Stella Atrium

Exploring female characters and the obstacles they face.

About Stella Atrium

Stella Atrium is a cynical septuagenarian. She has spent a lifetime exploring female characters for real-world reactions to obstacles. Often pushed into submissive and non-verbal roles, women really live in a world of networking among aunties, cousins, wives of husbands, convenient friends and neighbors. This rich world is largely unexplored. 

“I grew up with all brothers, so I knew about women from stories and from school. What I found at school wasn’t anything like in the stories, so I set out to learn why.”

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Seven Beyond (2014)

Your biggest literary influences:

Lillian Hellman, Margaret Atwood, Peter Handke, Gunter Grass, Edith Hamilton, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mikhail Bakhtin, Martin Buber

Last book read:

Kristen Britain’s Green Rider series is full of magic and escapism. I like a series that keeps me guessing and is not dependent on unrequited love to drive the action.

The book that changed your life:

I read Jean Genet’s A Thief’s Journal at a young age. The real-life detail about the underclass in post-war Paris burned a hole right through my middle-class serenity.

Your favorite literary character:

Maleficent from the fairy tale, but only when she changes into a dragon, finding her inner dragon. Not the modern version where she changes a bird into a dragon. Not the same thing at all.

Currently working on:

I’m currently editing everything. I’m thinking about what belongs in Book X, the final book in my planet story series that starts with the upcoming The Bush Clinic. How to wrap up so many threads with so many characters who have become my friends?

Words to live by: 

“He didn’t mean it like that.” — Mama

Advice for aspiring authors:

At some point, you have to stop writing and start marketing. Put off that work as long as possible.

Articles and Reviews:

Readers’ Favorite

Literary Titan

Barnes & Noble


The book is colored with intrigue, adventure and a splash of humor. Maybe a dollop of romance on the side. The plot is quite original.
- Thomas Anderson, Literary Titan
Seven Beyond by Stella Atrium is a fantasy lover's fantasy. Seven Beyond will tolerate any degree of scrutiny, giving back just as much as the reader wishes to put in.
- Rich Follett, Readers’ Favorite
Every action affected the outcome of the story, and every character had a role in the eventual climax of the story was great. This was a fun ride, and I was deeply sad when it was over.
- Katelyn Hensel, Readers’ Favorite
Fascinating and uncompromising, Seven Beyond effortlessly captures the endearing essence of truly original science fiction fantasy and is sure to further grow Atrium’s fans. An absolute must-read recommendation.
- Book Viral