Simon Mayo is one of England’s most admired radio presenters. He has worked on BBC radio since 1982 and is now the presenter of Drivetime on BBC Radio 2. He lives in London. He is the author of the historical fiction novel Mad Blood Stirring.
Read BookTrib’s review of Simon’s book, Mad Blood Stirring.
ITCH (2012)
BLAME (2016)
Mad Blood Stirring (2018)
Biggest literary influencers:
Patrick Ness, Lee Child, Stephen King, Philip Pullman, James Lee Burke, Douglas Adams
Last book read:
In a House of Lies by Ian Rankin
The book that changed your life:
The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments by Robert Brent. This is a children’s chemistry book from 1960 which, due to its somewhat casual approach to heath and safety, ended up being banned. It was the inspiration behind my first book ITCH, the story of 14 year old element hunter Itchingham Loft. Without it, I wonder if I would ever have written a word. If you’ve ever wondered how to blow up your kitchen, this is the book for you.
Your favorite literary character:
Arthur Dent from The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The most English it is possible to be. Hurtling around space with his just his towel, tea and dressing gown, he still manages to tackle the Vogons, their terrible poetry and master the golden Infinite Improbability generator.
Currently working on:
A contemporary thriller set in London.
Words to live by:
Nil desperandum (never despair).
Advice to new and aspiring authors:
For younger writers-read as much as you can. In fact, for older writers-read as much as you can. Just read (is that clear enough)? And whatever you do write, once you start, make sure you finish. Don’t just polish your fabulous first chapter or you’ll get nowhere. Everyone can write one fabulous chapter. Plough on! Even if you just write one paragraph a day! You can always go back and make your corrections later. Onwards. Always onwards.