Ryan Foland

Global keynote speaker, consultant and author on the topic of personal branding and authenticity.

About Ryan Foland

Ryan Foland is a high energy speaker, podcast host, and consultant who teaches executives how to build their personal brands. His 3-1-3® Method uncovers core brand messaging to guide bespoke content marketing strategies. Ryan has given 4 TEDx talks and has been featured in Inc., Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune, and more. His award-winning book, Ditch the Act, teaches you how to get ahead in business by simply being human. For fun, Ryan sails, draws stick figures, and raps.

Read BookTrib’s review of Ryan’s book, Ditch the Act.




Ditch the Act, (2019)

Your biggest literary influencers (authors):

Tim Ferriss

Daniel Pink

Malcom Gladwell


Last book read:

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – by Dan Ariely


The book that changed your life:

When I read The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, it totally changed the way that I saw “time.” I never felt like I had enough time but learned that I was just not spending my time on the right activities and habits. For years, I re-read the book, taking lessons and challenges from the book, and working to apply them to my life. I love the practical nature and no BS style that Tim has. I realized that knowing the rules was half the game, and that when systems are set in place, you can multiply your efforts. He really got me thinking about what he calls “lifestyle design” and has helped me with finding a healthy work-life balance!

Your favorite literary character:

When I first read the play Cyrano de Bergerac, I loved it. The main character is an in your face, strong-willed man of who has many natural talents. He is an excellent duelist, and I have always thought if I lived in a different time, I would be too! He is a poet, musician, and his ability to communicate is unmatched. Yet, his nose is larger than normal, and he believes that this makes him ugly. He gets in his own way, and his internal struggle of confessing his love I felt was an analogy for life. We all have our talents, but we often hold ourselves back. My nose isn’t big, but it is crooked. His character inspires me to focus less on looks and more on life.

Currently working on:

A book about how to better communicate your ideas.

Words to live by:

Keep it simple, make it powerful.

Advice for aspiring authors:

The best way to get words on paper is to start writing. It’s the best advice I have gotten when it comes to writing, and I have heard it many times. The writing process can be intimidating. But I find that when I put in the time, and start putting my fingers to the keyboard, the letters turn into words, and the words begin to translate my ideas and insights.




“Ditch the Act is exactly what people need to do to be more authentic. It’s all eloquently explained with examples by the authors. I predict this book will be seen as powerful as the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. If you want to find your authentic self and allow that self to be seen and heard by the world, Ditch the Act is your key to success.”
- —Nathan Gold, The Demo Coach
At Zoom, we know the power of human to human connection. In a world where there is more digital connection than ever before, a reminder to be more human when on digital platforms is highly valuable. In Ditch the Act, Foland and Kim dive deep into how to showcase your real and whole self, both online and offline, in a way that builds trust by being truthful.”
- —Eric Yuan, founder and CEO, Zoom
“From presidents to superstars and the biggest brands, I’ve assisted thou- sands of clients to build their personas and connect them to their audi- ences in the social graph. In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan have high- lighted the most important quality that resonates with large audiences: to be human. Their unique approach should help you break through hubris and allow your human, vulnerable self to be expressed, all in hopes to build a more suitable Social Organism for all of us!”
- —Oliver Luckett, 10x entrepreneur, founder of HausMart and author of The Social Organism