Michelle Alstead

Emma loses her  job, her autistic child is suspended, and she is dropped by her publisher. Protagonist’s experience might help others find the inspiration to survive their own troubles.

About Michelle Alstead

MICHELLE ALSTEAD is a single, divorced mom of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She tries to promote autism awareness and advocate for gender equality while raising Sheldon Cooper and searching for some semblance of a love life.

Read BookTrib’s review of Michelle’s latest book, The Last Chapter.




The Last Chapter (2019)

One Last Try (2018)

The First Full Moon (2018)

After Love Leaves (2017)

Before It’s Done (2016)

The Gifted: Reborn (2016)

After I’m Gone (2015)

After It’s Over (2014)

The Gifted: Awakening Begun (2014)

Biggest literary influencers:
Beverley Cleary, Judy Bloom, Steinbeck, Hemingway

Last book read:
Falling by Christopher Pike

The book that changed your life:
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. It showed me there was no such thing as confines, only dreams I could realize with hard work.

Currently working on:
Dance Me Home 

Words to live by:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou

Advice to new and aspiring authors:
Take creative writing classes. Learn from feedback. Don’t quit.

Articles / Reviews:

Rabbit Hole Reviews


"I'm going to come right out and say this: this is the BEST written book I have ever read. The story is absolutely beautiful, and I love a good love story. Here is what drew me into the book even more: it is written as if you are right there with the characters. I felt every feeling along with the characters. This is how a book should be written. Thank you so much for this wonderful book. I hope to read MANY more of your books ❤️?❤️."
- '--Amazon customer 
"Emma Barton has an autistic son. That's where her energy goes instead of her other passion, writing. Enter Ethan Wise, who could be her ticket to another life full of success and love. Emma, who is already stretched thin, is pulled in new directions. Must her passions be mutually exclusive? The Last Chapter is that rare book with no villains. The tension and conflict come from a sad and sometimes brutal reality. The author's grasp of character and motivation is exceptional. You will root for these characters, and they will stick with you long after the book is finished. My highest recommendation."
- --Rabbit Hole Reviews