Kevin Tumlinson

Love for history, archaeology, and science feeds his fiction and gives him just the excuse he needs to read the next article, biography, or research paper.

About Kevin Tumlinson

Kevin Tumlinson is an award-winning and bestselling thriller author with books available in hundreds of countries worldwide. Kevin’s love for history, archaeology, and science have been a tremendous source of material for his writing; they feed his fiction and give him just the excuse he needs to read the next article, biography, or research paper. He lives in Texas, but works in random coffee shops, cafés, and hotel lobbies around the world.

Read BookTrib’s review of Kevin’s book, The Spanish Papers.




Dan Kotler Archaeological Thrillers

Dan Kotler Short Thrillers


Citadel (Science Fiction)

Citadel Short Fiction

Sawyer Jackson (YA Fantasy)


Stand Alone Novels:

  • Evergreen (Paranormal Thriller) (June 2015)

There are also a number of novellas and co-authored books. You can find a complete list of all published works at

Biggest literary influencers:

Dan Brown, David Baldacci, James Rollins, Brad Thor, Lee Child, Orson Scott Card

Last book read:

Fiction – Memory Man by David Baldacci; Non-fiction – Cops & Writers: From the Academy to the Street by Patrick J. O’Donnell

The book that changed your life:

In ninth grade, our school librarian handed me a copy of Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. It had a note from the author in it that talked about the evolution of the short story into a full-length novel. I took inspiration from that and decided then and there that I would write for a living. I’ve been writing and telling stories, ever since.

Your favorite literary character:

I think Dan Brown’s principal protagonist, Robert Langdon (The Da Vinci Code) may be one of the most intriguing characters in literature. And he’s certainly one that has influenced my own protagonist, Dan Kotler, in myriad ways. He’s smart, but not arrogant. He has a “super power” (eidetic memory). And his propensity to think through and solve problems, even while under threat of death or other dire circumstances and pressures, is admirable. But mostly, he’s just a likable and brilliant guy, and the sort of person I wouldn’t mind knowing in real life.

Currently working on:

I’m currently penning the ninth full-length novel in my Dan Kotler Archaeological Thrillers, titled The Hidden Persuaders.

Words to live by:

“You can have everything you want in life if you’re willing to help enough other people get what they want.” —Zig Ziglar

Advice to new and aspiring authors:

Success as an author is self-defined, but regardless of your definition, it will always come down to persistent effort and self-discipline. Write every day, connect with as many people who can help you as you can manage to meet, and take time to help other aspiring authors as often as possible

Articles / Reviews:

Amelia Hay


Serious Reading (Interview)




“Imagine a writer that combines the best aspects of Cussler, Rollins, Berry, and Brown all into one. That’s Kevin Tumlinson.”
- –Ernest Dempsey, Author of The Forbidden Temple
“Kevin has crashed onto the action-thriller scene as only an action-thriller author can: with provocative plot lines, unforgettable characters, and enough adrenaline to keep you awake all night.”
- —Nick Thacker, author of Mark for Blood
“Kevin Tumlinson is what every writer should be—entertaining and thought-provoking.”
- — Shana Teehan, Press Secretary, U.S. House of Representatives