Freddie Floyd Jr.

First-time author of the nonfiction, self-improvement book You Are Designed to Be Successful who hopes to deepen his readers' relationship with God and one day have many more books to his name!

About Freddie Floyd Jr.

Greetings! I am the published author of the hit book You Are Designed to be Successful. I like to consider myself a spiritual teacher on a mission to uplift people’s lives in a biblical fashion. I am on a personal mission to bring people back to God in a way that may be a bit untraditional in today’s world. However, I believe my calling is from God, and I am doing what I believe according to scripture. I really have a passion in my heart to cater to women, as the world has not been good to them. In most cases, they have been the target of spiritual warfare, and I believe God is using me as a vessel to let the world understand that they are more than what society has shown. I have traveled the world, both as a soldier in the US Army and as a Government Contractor. I traveled to countries such as Iraq, Kuwait, Dubai, Afghanistan and Thailand, to name a few. And shout out to all the great people I meet along the way. I have come to realize that no matter how I tried to fit in with the world, I have always known that I was different, meaning I recognized the calling on my life; at the age of 46, I choose to stop running and face that desire I have in my heart. And that is to bring people back to God in a manner that they may not expect.


You are Designed to Be Successful (2020)

Your biggest literary influences:

Robert Kiyosaki

Last book read:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kayosaki

The book that changed your life:

Rich Dad Poor Dad. I have struggled for many years because I was NOT taught success techniques and I have been searching for them all these years. I found what I was looking for in that book.

Currently working on:

I am currently working on my third book. I am overly excited about it. It will be extremely helpful to men struggling.

Words to live by: 

Commitment. If you are not committed to anything you will never be as successful as you can be

Advice for aspiring authors: 

Focus on your craft, remove distraction. 


WBOC Exclusive Interview with Freddie Floyd Jr