Diane Pomerantz

Tender and horrifying psychological love story of one woman’s battle with cancer and an abusive relationship.

About Diane Pomerantz

Dr. Diane Pomerantz is a Baltimore area psychologist who has been in practice for the past 39 years. She is a blogger for Psychology Today and has published articles and poetry in Motherwell Magazine, Adoption Today, Story Circle Journal and other literary magazines.  Lost in the Reflecting Pool, published by She Writes Press, is a memoir and her first book. Diane refers to it as a psychological love story. While charming, he is also psychologically harmful, a narcissist.  This is a memoir of trauma, strength and resilience that above all else demonstrates that there is no escaping pain and disappointment. There are no guarantees. There is only life and no matter what else, one can move forward.

She is a breast cancer survivor and is mom to two grown children – both miracle babies in their own ways.

Read BookTrib’s review of Diane’s book, Lost in the Reflecting Pool.



Lost in the Reflecting Pool (2017)

Biggest literary influencers:

Margaret Atwood, Doris Lessing,  Joan Didion, Leah Hager Cohen

Last book read:

Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith

The book that changed your life:

The Way of All Women by M. Esther Harding, a Jungian analyst, an in-depth study of feminine psychology that had a great influence on my developing sense of myself as a young woman.

Currently working on:

I am currently working on a psychological thriller and I am also working on two children’s books: one is about separation and loss and the other is about dealing with angry feelings.

Advice to new and aspiring authors:

The worst writing is that which is unwritten – just write!

Articles / Reviews:

When everything goes wrong, being a good enough mother
Yearnings for the Stork
Forgiveness: A Prerequisite for Healing?



"Lost in the Reflecting Pool is an intense, true story about how an intelligent woman is sucked into a marriage that slowly becomes abusive--not physically, but emotionally and mentally. A step at a time, she loses her sense of herself and her autonomy, until she begins to fight to reclaim her independence and self-worth. It's important for women to read and understand how a marriage can begin with so much promise, and then become an almost fatal trap."   
- ―Marge Piercy, New York Times best-selling author, poet, and memoirist
"Wow, what an amazing book! The prologue scene is worthy of Hitchcock. It is powerfully cinematic and grabs the reader’s attention. Diane Pomerantz knows how to immerse the reader in the world of the story using captivating action, vivid descriptions, interesting characters, and a direct, engaging writing style. I couldn’t put the book down. I wanted to know what happened. I stayed up past my bedtime reading this book and could not rest until I finished it. Diane certainly creates a sense of connection with the reader.”
- ―Judge, 2018 Ben Franklin Awards
"Diane Pomerantz's story of the longing for children and the reality of a punishing marriage may be an often-told tale, but Pomerantz's is a majestic talent for conjuring emotion and compelling the reader with an authentic and heartbreaking story."
- ―Jacquelyn Mitchard, New York Times best-selling author of The Deep End of the Ocean
"At a moment in our history when malignant narcissism in our leaders has become a national obsession, Pomerantz offers intimate insight and astute clinical observations in her memoir, recounting her marriage to a malignant narcissist, illustrating with humor and humanity how they can both charm us and harm us, and how to survive, and grow from the experience."
- ―John Gartner, Ph.D. author of In Search Of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography