Alan Brenham

Introducing the youth market to fascinating stories and personalities who made a difference.

About Alan Brenham

ALAN BRENHAM has served as a criminal investigator with municipal, county and federal law enforcement agencies, and as a contractor with the U.S. Army in Berlin, teaching college-level law enforcement classes to U.S. military personnel. Later, he was admitted to the Texas state bar and spent his legal career as a prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and staff counsel for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

ABOUT GAME PIECE: Detective Barry Marshall hunts for a hardened serial killer with the ultimate endgame, one intended to strip Marshall of everything he holds dear—his career, his wife, and his reputation. Unbeknownst to Marshall, the killer had dated his wife years ago. Seeing Marshall with her, the killer is pushed over the edge. He wants to punish Marshall for stealing his beloved by playing a cat-and-mouse game of murder. As the body count rises, Marshall is forced to face his worst nightmare.

Read BookTrib’s review of Alan’s book, Game Piece.

Visit Alan at his website for more information.



Price of Justice (2013)

Cornered (2014)

Rampage (2015)

Game Piece (2018)

Biggest literary influencer:

Robert Crais, Michael Connelly and Michael McGarrity

Last book read:

Swerve by Vicki Pettersson

Currently working on:
Finding Cailey

Words to live by:
“Never give up.”

Advice to new and aspiring authors:

Read as many novels in your chosen genre as you can.


Price of Justice:  “Brenham’s fast-paced police drama juggles a number of narrative lines and disparate characters . . . The entire cast of characters–good and evil–is well constructed and realistic, while the action-packed ending grows organically out of their varied personalities. So too does the emotional ending, which chooses intelligence over sentimentality. A gripping, fast-moving and emotionally charged drama centered on well-drawn characters with genuine motives.
- Kirkus Reviews
Cornered. The author delivers a rock-solid thriller that delves just as much into the bad guys’ lives as it does the good guys.’ The book delivers multiple scenes of nail-biting intensity. First-rate crime fiction for those who like their cops and criminals on a level playing field.
- Kirkus Reviews
Rampage" Brenham keeps things lively and constantly moving with surprisingly strong drama. Precise and unequivocally gripping; an edge-of-your-seat ride from beginning to end.
- Kirkus Reviews