Formant-300x300.jpg Chris Formant Historic Fiction Global exec at multibillion-dollar firm dissects the heroic Battle of Brooklyn from the Revolutionary War. Nancy Bilyeau Historical Fiction Historical Thriller Passion for history transports us back to dangerous worlds, with vivid characters and gripping plots. Ed Fuller Thriller Thriller from this former Marriott chief will forever change the way you look at hotels and use the phrase, “road warrior.” ED FULLER is a hospitality industry leader, educator, and author of the international Top 20 bestselling business book, You Can’t Lead with Your Feet on the…
Sara Wiseman is not only an award-winning author, but she's been a spiritual teacher for years. Her latest book, Messages from the Divine, acts as a guide, showing us how to open up, and connect with others and the universe around us. The lessons themselves are timeless, and provide solutions for some…