Harvey A. Schwartz is a retired Boston civil rights attorney. He has argued two times before the United States Supreme Court. He received several awards recognizing his legal work, including the Wilbur Knight McNair Award from the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts in recognition for his life-long contribution to civil rights and civil liberties and the President's Award from the Boston Bar Association in recognition for his representation of two Saudi detainees at Guantanamo Bay. He has written two books: "Never Again" and "On a Barge in France." "Never Again," his latest work, imagines a future America where the unthinkable on U.S. soil is brought to life. Visit www.harveyaschwartz.com.
There seems to be an important shift happening in pop culture. Remember when every click of your TV remote brought a different permutation of zombies? "Walking Dead" zombies. Teen zombies. Zombie Nation. Zombie Apocalypse. Even my favorite: Zombie Beavers. For a while it seemed as if Vikings would replace zombies…