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Cameron Kimball

Cameron Kimball is an illustrator, graphic artist and writer. She graduated from Pratt Institute with a degree in Communications Design and a minor in Art History. She’s a member of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators and the Society of Illustrators. Cameron lives in Connecticut and when she’s not writing or drawing, she can be found in a café drinking tea and listening to Celtic folk music. For more of her work, visit her website at

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Cameron Kimball

Children's BooksChildren's Books - Featured

Happy Children’s Book Week! Celebrate With 8 Captivating Kid Lit Reads First established in 1919 by librarian Franklin K. Matthiews, Children's Book Week is dedicated to celebrating and encouraging children’s literacy. When it comes to kids, reading is more than just a hobby or a fun activity; it’s an essential life skill. Literacy gives us the ability to communicate our…
Cameron Kimball
May 4, 2022
Children's BooksChildren's Books - Featured

Celebrate Black History Month and Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week With These 7 Picture Books

The first week of February marks a unique moment in the calendar. Designating the start of Black History Month, it also happens to be Children's Authors and Illustrators Week. This combined celebration creates the perfect opportunity to feature children’s books that educate and honor key figures and events of Black…
Cameron Kimball
February 4, 2022