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BookTrib was created as a news source for people who love books, want to find out what’s happening in the book world and love learning about great authors of whom they may not have heard. The site features in-depth interviews, reviews, video discussions, podcasts, even authors writing about other authors. is a haven for anyone searching for his or her next read or simply addicted to all things book-related. is produced by Meryl Moss Media, a 25-year-old literary marketing, publicity and social media firm. Visit to learn more.

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16 Last-Minute Book Recs for Mother’s Day

Still looking for that perfect gift for Mom? Whether you’re a world-class procrastinator or somewhat of a perfectionist, finding something to show whomever you call Mom how much you love and appreciate her proves a tricky task every year. The clock may be ticking, but never fear. There’s always time…
May 6, 2022

BookTrib Giveaway: The Fate of the Western World Rests on Your Shoulders *U.S. Entries Only* PGEgY2xhc3M9InJjcHRyIiBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhZmZsZWNvcHRlci5jb20vcmFmbC9kaXNwbGF5LzkzNjE0NTg0NDU3LyIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyIgZGF0YS1yYWZsaWQ9IjkzNjE0NTg0NDU3IiBkYXRhLXRoZW1lPSJjbGFzc2ljIiBkYXRhLXRlbXBsYXRlPSI1YzAwODg5MjQ3MmJkODVhMGIxMTRhODUiIGlkPSJyY3dpZGdldF82eGY5NmhoMyI+YSBSYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIgZ2l2ZWF3YXk8L2E+CjxzY3JpcHQgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL3dpZGdldC1wcmltZS5yYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIuY29tL2xhdW5jaC5qcyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+ "From start to finish this was simply an incredible work, and stunningly mind bending with its attention to detail, and accurate portrayal of history around the 12th century." —Zansabar Coltrain, Amazon reviewer "The author through his descriptive words and the historical setting helps place your own…
May 5, 2022

BookTrib Giveaway: Experience One Woman’s Grief and Eventual Healing

*U.S. Entries Only* PGEgY2xhc3M9InJjcHRyIiBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhZmZsZWNvcHRlci5jb20vcmFmbC9kaXNwbGF5LzkzNjE0NTg0NDU2LyIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyIgZGF0YS1yYWZsaWQ9IjkzNjE0NTg0NDU2IiBkYXRhLXRoZW1lPSJjbGFzc2ljIiBkYXRhLXRlbXBsYXRlPSI1YzAwODg5MjQ3MmJkODVhMGIxMTRhODUiIGlkPSJyY3dpZGdldF9rZzlrZDBmeCI+YSBSYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIgZ2l2ZWF3YXk8L2E+CjxzY3JpcHQgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL3dpZGdldC1wcmltZS5yYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIuY29tL2xhdW5jaC5qcyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+ "I would recommend this book to all those who have experienced loss and even those who haven't as the empathy the book gives you is truly astounding." —Literary Titan "With striking clarity of prose and a feeling for surprising human connections, Collins reveals the inner life…
April 28, 2022

Stories From 30 Years of Listening to Rush Limbaugh

Those are the words of Rush Limbaugh, the longtime radio personality,  conservative political commentator, author and television host, speaking in 2020 in response to a caller comment. Daniel O. Noorlander Jr. would attest to Limbaugh’s sentiments above. One might say Noorlander is an expert when it comes to the subject…
April 26, 2022