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Hero of Yesterday? by Henry D. Trett

After the tragic death of his father, David finds a story of love, regret, and the call of the great unknown — his father’s story.

Following up on his first book, Hero of the Day? (which you will also want to read), author Henry D. Trett brings us Hero of Yesterday? (Belen Books). The sequel revisits his main character, David Alan Taylor, five years after the “incident” that was the focus of the first book. 

In book one, David finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when he witnesses the shooting of a police officer in the middle of a crowded street in Orlando. As the shooter looks to be about to finish off his victim, David has 10 seconds to decide what to do. David grabs the officer’s gun that is lying on the ground and shoots. 

Chaos breaks out as the shooter’s friends take aim at David, who shoots four more of the gang, bodies are everywhere, and David is left with the repercussions of his actions. The book poses difficult questions for one ordinary man and raises bigger issues about societal norms, stereotyping, prejudices, political posturing and gun laws, to name a few. 

Five Years After A Deadly Incident

In Hero of Yesterday?, it’s now 5 years later, and David has settled into life again. We find out where his love life has headed in the intervening years. But the story isn’t over: “For better or worse, I’ve come back with another story to tell… as far as I was concerned, another book wasn’t necessary. So, then, the question for you, the reader, becomes, what happened to change that?”

What changed that was the sudden and tragic death of his father. David is now left to wonder about what family secrets might become uncovered. But he has no idea what he’ll find when he reads a story penned by his father, detailing his own young life and the choices that he made back then. In this story within a story, we follow David’s father who, as a young man, is struggling with the suicide of his beloved brother, as he sets out on a wild cross-country trip. The story becomes part coming-of-age and part travelogue as we explore this huge country right alongside David’s father. 

Reading his dad’s story and learning of some previously unknown revelations, David now has the unique opportunity to reexamine his own path in life, and some of his past decisions, with this new knowledge.

Family Secrets and Self Exploration

While Hero of Yesterday? is a continuation of David’s story, it also stands well on its own. The author provides a very entertaining recap of book one — you’ll enjoy what he says about his “editor” — and his writing style is very conversational, thought-provoking, honest and true. The beautiful writing pulls you right into the story from the very beginning, as he explores deep thoughts related to humanity, life and death.

Tomorrow, the answer is always tomorrow.”
There are no do-overs in life, but there are second chances.”
I am fascinated by the enigmas of life. It all seems so random how events unfold before our very eyes.” “…none of us know how long or exactly when the journey ends. And that is the mystery of life and death…”

Henry D. Trett’s story delves into family secrets and sets David on a new path of self-exploration. As the reader, you are faced with the question, how much do we really know about our own parents and their lives before we were born? What if you find out that it’s different than you thought? How do you reconcile the person you thought you knew with the facts that present themselves? And how does that change your own path forward? This is what David faced.

Ultimately, Hero of Yesterday is a story of self-discovery. The author says, “Time and experience are the only things that separate us from who we were yesterday and who we are today.” And you can be sure that book three, Hero of Tomorrow, will soon follow … there are some major questions still to be answered! Can’t wait!

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About Henry D. Trett:

Henry D. Trett is an America author, artist and entrepreneur. In addition, he has the unique honor of being the oldest of three children and, oddly enough, the youngest of five. Curious how that works? As an Orlando, FL, native, he currently resides in the southeastern region of the United States with his wife, three dogs, 18 koi fish and a tortoise named Lucky.

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Hero of Yesterday? by Henry D. Trett
Publish Date: 11/26/2023
Genre: Fiction
Author: Henry D. Trett
Page Count: 368 pages
Publisher: Belen Books
ISBN: 9781959715153
Barbara Wilkov

Barbara Wilkov has a varied career background, having worked in education, sales for several start-up magazines, fundraising and event planning for the American Heart Association, and marketing, communications, PR, and social media for a congregational church, a children’s non-profit, and an emergency and specialty veterinary hospital. Barbara is also the co-founder of an award-winning website,, that focuses on healing difficult mother-daughter relationships from the adult daughter’s perspective. Look for a book in the not-too-distant future! A Stamford, CT, native, Barbara has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and English, and an MS in Education. She loves to act and is honored to be a member of the Screen Actors Guild.