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A Dementia Caregiver's Guide to Care by Dr. Macie Smith

What's It About?

In this interactive guidebook, you’ll find a Licensed Gerontology Social Worker's unique responses to typical questions dementia caregivers find themselves asking over and over again.

Her mission became clear when her grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s related dementia. “It was one of the scariest times of my life,” says Dr. Macie P. Smith. “I truly did not know what to do or who to call.”

Dr. Smith probably didn’t realize it at the time, but she had suddenly become part of a riveting statistic: While 1.3 million Americans in 2010 needed caregivers or nursing home care, that number is projected to jump to 2.3 million in 2030. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to skyrocket to about 14 million by 2050.

Knowing what she went through, Dr. Smith set out to help others unequipped and unprepared to help loved ones stricken with this condition. Her goal was to produce a guide to caregiving that was practical, useful, loving and respectful of one’s dignity. The result of that effort is A Dementia Caregiver’s Guide to Care.

Just Ask Dr. Macie

The book helps readers understand and work through difficult situations, presented in a series of frequently asked questions addressing the basics: What does it mean? Then what do I do about it? The questions cover everything from how dementia is diagnosed to how to get mom to drink water to why does mom have such selective memory to why is she cursing to why is she lying. The book provides commentary and solutions (sweeten the water).

Dr. Smith, whose Diversified Training Consultants Group educates families in navigating long-term geriatric care, notes that not all situations are alike and often call for different courses of action.

“Whether living at home or in a residential community, they are going to need care,” she says. “Everyone is different, however. What works for one might not work for the other.”

The book itself is a quick read but can be referred to again and again as certain situations manifest themselves during care. The content is clearly and easily explained, written in a style that is most supportive and useful.

Focus on the Person, Not the Disease

Dr. Smith addresses the use of medications and how they factor into the treatments. She also points out the importance of creating the proper environment where the person feels “alive, happy and has a sense of belonging.”

She also makes readers aware of concrete thinking vs. abstract thinking, noting that people with dementia tend to think more concretely. “They are unable to think beyond what they see.”

She introduces the equation of “Validate, Comfort and Redirect” in acknowledging a thought or action, putting the person at ease, and then correcting it to their benefit. Providing reassurance, empathy, humor and establishing routines are paramount to dealing with typical behavior.

Throughout care, Dr. Smith emphasizes to focus on the person, not the disease. “They are still human and value their dignity, identity and independence. Celebrate who they are, not the condition they have.”

That’s valuable advice from the person who has written such a valuable book to support what can be a most frightful condition. Dr. Smith, through her book and through her work, has provided caregivers with a strong sense of hope and confidence.

About Dr. Macie Smith:

Dr. Macie P. Smith is an award-winning educator with 19 years of experience working with aging and vulnerable populations in South Carolina. She is the acting President of the National Association of Social Workers-South Carolina Chapter. Dr. Smith is a Licensed Social Worker, Certified Social Work Case Manager, and a Social Worker in Gerontology who provides private Geriatric Care Management to families living with dementia. She also serves as Professor and a Subject Matter Expert on the collegiate level in the areas of social work, social sciences, and public health at the University of South Carolina and the University of Phoenix. Dr. Smith conducts research and facilitates professional development training in the areas of health care management, human services development and program development. Her focus is coordinating quality care within aging and underserved communities. Dr. Smith has been recognized as a Top 20 Under 40 Leader by the South Carolina Black Pages Magazine for her work as a community and industry change agent.

Buy this Book!

A Dementia Caregiver's Guide to Care by Dr. Macie Smith
Publish Date: 2/14/2019
Genre: Better Self, Nonfiction, Self Help
Author: Dr. Macie Smith
Page Count: 73 pages
ISBN: 9798378150205
Jim Alkon

Jim Alkon is Editorial Director of Jim is a veteran of the business-to-business media and marketing worlds, with extensive experience in business development and content. Jim is a writer at heart – whether a book review, blog, white paper, corporate communication, marketing or sales piece, it really doesn’t matter as long as he is having fun and someone is benefitting from it.