Curing Death by Dr. Mark Rosenberg
Is death really inevitable? That’s the fascinating premise of this unique novel — part science fiction fantasy, part medical thriller, part romance — about a gifted ER doctor who is so devastated by seeing his patients dying that he comes up with a mind-boggling theory for “curing death.”
Just like medicine can be used to save people from all sorts of diseases, Dr. Mike Royce believes it is possible to use medical research to combat the act of death itself and possibly even allow people one day to achieve the impossible dream: To live forever.
Sounds wild, huh? But the author of Curing Death (Rosemark Press) brings such an impressive resume of medical credentials to this seemingly fantastic tale that it keeps the reader turning the pages to see if any of this could somehow be real!
Dr. Mark Rosenberg is a former Assistant Chief of Emergency Medicine at Walter Reed Medical Center (along with a long list of other medical achievements in the fields of cancer, oncology and anti-aging).
“Most of the emergency department visits in this book are based on my actual experiences,” Rosenberg says in a preface to Curing Death. “I dedicate this book to all those who are fighting to hold on to life. Do your best to stay with us. Regardless of the outcome, be at peace, knowing that this life is not the end.”
Keeping Death Away
The story begins when Dr. Mike Royce has a particularly horrific day in the ER, losing both an elderly man and a just-born fetus to death. “Two lives, one at each end of the spectrum,” Royce grieves to himself afterward. “He couldn’t stop them, but were they truly inevitable? Or had science not yet found the tools to avert them.”
Later, he makes a medical decision that, although no fault of his own, results in another patient’s death. Even though he is an extremely talented and accomplished doctor, all of these deaths weigh heavily on Dr. Royce and he begins to become frustrated and think of himself as a failure.
He wants to do something to save all these dying patients’ lives.
Soon, Royce — along with Alesha Simmons, his brilliant, trusted nurse (and sometimes love interest, their complex romantic relationship is a wonderful side story to the book) — launch a controversial research project at the hospital where they work in an audacious attempt to challenge the inevitability of death.
Despite many obstacles and roadblocks and harsh criticism from other medical personnel, Royce drives himself, Alesha and the rest of his team relentlessly on the research focused on a group of terminally ill patients, determined to somehow uncover the secrets of life and death he has been seeking.
Amazingly, they discover a never before known source of energy in the body of the dying patients that they believe is actually the human soul itself! When it (i.e. the soul) disappears, so does life. If Royce can figure out a way to stop the soul’s energy from leaving the body, will it prolong life? For how long? And what other repercussions could be unleashed by playing God with dying patients lives like this and challenging the very concept of mortality?
These are the momentous decisions that Dr. Mike Royce must struggle with as he comes tantalizing close to unlocking the secrets of the most amazing medical discovery of all time: the way to forestall death and change the trajectory of human life in a way that has long seemed impossible.
A Symptom or a Warning?
At the same time Dr. Mike Royce must deal with mystifying problems in his own life — memory losses, erratic behavior and recurring, disturbing dreams that almost seem real to him, even after he wakes up. Is there something physically or mentally wrong with him? Are the dreams a precursor or a warning of some kind? Is any of it related to the life-and-death research he’s doing to solve the mysteries of immortality?
All the answers to these questions, and so much more, come together in a shocking and dramatic and breath-taking ending to Curing Death that you will never see coming — and will leave you thinking about it long afterward!
This is indeed a very unusual book. A very thought-provoking book. And a helluva entertaining read.
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