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Yin Yang by Jack Rasmussen

What's It About?

“Yin Yang” encourages readers to discover the power of yin and yang in the world and in themselves.

For many, the new year is a chance to try new things, expanding our minds and our lives. For some, this looks like quitting bad habits and embracing good ones. For others, this looks like a time of reflection and study.

To celebrate this spirit of self-discovery and expansion, many will find themselves diving into books like Jack Rasmussen’s Yin Yang: The Elusive Symbol That Explains the World. The book explores the extensive history of the iconic yin-yang symbol and its prominence throughout the world, and encourages readers to discover its significance in their own lives.

Yin and Yang Across All Aspects of Life

You’ve likely seen the familiar black-and-white symbol before, but have you ever wondered what yin and yang really meant? Author Jack Rasmussen does an adept job of breaking down its meaning and explaining the symbol so anyone can understand.

He’s able to do this through a number of methods. Firstly, he shares his own empowering journey of self-discovery and reflection during his time in Taiwan. Rasmussen identifies as a practicing Christian who follows the teachings of Taoism/Daoism, which he began studying during his time in Taiwan.

His personal stories are strengthened by copious amounts of research and wisdom from reliable resources, including a number of gurus and even the 14th Dalai Lama himself, who supplied the book’s foreword.

Through his own journey and research, Rasmussen provides an in-depth examination of the symbology of the yin-yang symbol and its implications across various aspects of life — in love, in business, in media and in nature, to name a few areas.

Easy to Follow Inspirational Guide

The book’s flow is easy to follow, adeptly weaving from teaching readers the basics of the symbol’s history and meaning to how these concepts are reflected in the world and how to apply them to our own lives. Rasmussen makes sure to apply plenty of examples and metaphors to simplify these concepts and make them easier for novices to understand.

Rasmussen’s skill as a writer reveals itself in how he makes these deep concepts easily digestible for readers, utilizing metaphors and imagery to teach readers how to incorporate a yin-yang mindset into their lives.

He explores individual practices like mindfulness, meditation and self-love. On a larger scale, he reveals the imbalances in society and how a change in individual and collective mindsets can help restore balance.

In the end, Yin Yang encourages readers to discover the power of yin and yang in the world and in themselves, showing us how it’s only through embracing all of who we are — the dark and the light — that we can begin to grow as people and as a society.

About Jack Rasmussen:

Jack Rasmussen attended the University of Southern California, majoring in Business Administration, with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and minoring in Cinematic Arts and Sports Media Industries. He is a co-founder of Good Samaritans of Silicon Valley, the Business Lead for, and a co-founder for Scholars of Finance. At graduation, he was distinguished as a Warren Bennis Scholar, Renaissance Scholar, Discovery Scholar, and Fulbright Scholar. Some have deemed the accomplishment the EGOT of the college experience… Jack just says he stays curious.

Jack is passionate about mental health advocacy, food waste and religion within the secular world. In his free time, Jack enjoys biking, traveling, eating out with friends, and fashion. He listens to pop-rap music and drives around in his Mini Cooper that he won on the bonus round of Wheel of Fortune with the Food and Drink phrase: “creamy artichoke dip.” Jack’s happy place — the beach… fish taco and margarita in hand.

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Yin Yang by Jack Rasmussen
Publish Date: 10/31/2023
Genre: Better Self, Memoir, Nonfiction
Author: Jack Rasmussen
Page Count: 313 pages
Publisher: Manuscripts LLC
ISBN: 9798889267522
Katie Bloomer

Katie is on the editorial team at She graduated from UNC Asheville with bachelor’s degrees in Creative Writing and Mass Communication. Originally from Dallas, TX, she moved to Western North Carolina to enjoy the mountains, whether appreciating the view from her front porch or hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway. As an avid reader and aspiring writer, her favorite genres include fantasy, romance, literary fiction and feminist works. (She’s also a big fan of manga!)