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Wrongful Acts by Tony Sclama

There’s something inherently chilling about a medical thriller. And in the case of Tony Sclama’s debut, Wrongful Acts, the true scare is its ties to the real world. A retired physician, Sclama’s experience in the medical field lends an authenticity to his writing that effectively ramps up the terror. Not to mention this particular story taps into a topical and highly controversial issue — gene therapy.

Today, he shares with us how his book can help teach us about the real-life function of federal medical agencies, and what readers can expect from his newest release, Avoidable Harm.

Q: As a retired physician and hospital executive, it’s safe to say you’re well-qualified to write a medical thriller! How did your expertise factor into creating the story of Wrongful Acts?

A: My medical background included a basic knowledge of genetics and the concept of gene therapy for select medical conditions, and the role of the FDA in approving its use, including the guidelines and processes utilized to prevent falsification of research data, such as occurs in the book’s story.

Q: Tell us about your main character, Dr. Allisyn McLoren.

Allisyn is an accomplished physician and medical researcher who is the co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for  genetic research. She is a strong willed individual, and as Director of the FDA faces a difficult situation when confronting a biotech firm’s questionable submission gene therapy, complicated by the fact that her former colleague and companion is the leading researcher for the company. As the story evolves, she encounters obstacles and emotional issues which she learns to confront and move forward.

Q: You use multiple viewpoint throughout the novel. Was it hard keeping track as you jumped from perspective to perspective?

A: No. With a firm idea on how I wanted the story to unfold, I was able to go between POV’s without a problem. My reason for doing this was the way in which I wanted to present the story to the reader, more like a screen play or movie instead of a one-character narrative.

Q: Are there any thriller authors who served as inspiration to you?

A: Certainly. Dean Koontz, Harlan Coben and physician authors of medical thrillers: Michael Crichton, the late Michael Palmer, Tess Gerritsen, Robin Cook, Patricia Cornwell.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from Wrongful Acts?

 A: An engaging and suspenseful thriller read first and foremost. Also, some knowledge of the function of the FDA and its role in reviewing new therapies to ensure effectiveness and safety.

Q: Just last month, you came out with your newest book, Avoidable Harm. What can readers expect from that story?

A: A suspense thriller about the questionable means the leadership of a financially struggling hospital take to make it profitable.

Q: Is there a project you’re working on next that you can tell us about?

I’m currently working on the concept for my next project, researching the necessary information to craft the story.

Tony (Anthony) Sclama is a retired physician with degrees in Biology and Human Physiology from Georgetown University, Medicine from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Business/Healthcare Management from Johns Hopkins University. A Rhode Island native, his medical career spanned thirty-two years and included a full-time practice of Urologic Surgery and service as Chief Medical Officer at a community hospital in Baltimore. He and his wife currently reside in Bethany Beach, Delaware, where he began his “second” career in fiction writing featuring backdrops of medicine and scientific issues. His first novel, Wrongful Acts, involves gene therapy, genetic engineering and a conspiracy to defraud the FDA. His second book, Avoidable Harm, is now available.

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Wrongful Acts by Tony Sclama
Publish Date: July 3, 2021
Genre: Fiction, Thrillers
Author: Tony Sclama
Page Count: 276 pages
ISBN: 9781737265603
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