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My Two and Only by Carla Malden

What's It About?

“Go for a run.” That’s what Charlotte Most said to her husband Paul on that ordinary day. And when he did, her life was never the same.

While this fictional novel diverges from her own life, Carla Malden’s My Two and Only (Rare Bird Books) is still a story all-too familiar to her. The narrative of finding the love of your life, losing them and then finding love against all odds — it’s a story that is sure to resonate with readers, even those who have not gone through the same tragedy.

We got a chance to speak with the author on how her novel came to fruition, from the creation of her protagonist to the lessons she imbued into the story. And given Malden’s own connection to the film industry as the daughter of actor Karl Malden, we also find out who would star in the movie version of My Two and Only.

Q: My Two and Only is a love story about clinging to the past and embracing the present, about coming to terms with your identity and finding happiness. What from your own experiences inspired these themes?

A: It’s tempting to say, glibly, that I lived this story. But that’s not entirely the truth. This is a work of fiction that happens to contain data points that overlap with my life. Those similarities provided me with the basis for what I hope is emotional truth for my protagonist, even though the specifics and circumstances of her situation differ from mine. At one time in my life, I shared with her the conviction that “moving on” after losing your husband is impossible, followed by the bewildering and stunning surprise that that assumption turns out not to be true. I share with her the journey from heartbreak to a renewed joy that folds the past into the present and honors it. Otherwise, our stories diverge.

Q: You are the daughter of the actor Karl Malden. What was it like being his daughter and what kind of influence did he have on your writing career?

A: Being Karl Malden’s daughter was nothing but wonderful — a delight and a privilege … and so much fun. I wouldn’t say that he influenced my writing directly, but he definitely taught me, by example, to take my work seriously, always give one hundred percent and take pride in my work. In other words, he communicated a fierce work ethic. Also, I grew up with the belief that a life dedicated to the arts is a worthy life, that the quest to illuminate the human condition — whether through acting or writing — is admirable and an endeavor to be proud of.

Q: Tell us about Charlotte Most. Who is she, what drives her, and what challenges does she face in your story?

A: Charlotte Most, my protagonist, is a middle-aged woman (mother, daughter, friend, professional)  trapped by the story she tells herself — on repeat — about one particular day, the day her husband died. She is driven to maintain the status quo in her life despite her having encased herself in something like amber composed of grief and survivor’s guilt. Her main challenge revolves around permitting herself to open her heart, to allowing new love to breathe oxygen into her life. As an interior decorator, she knows how to transform people’s homes and thereby their lives; she has to learn how to do that for herself.

Q: Sticking with your entertainment-background theme, who would play Charlotte in the movie version of your book?

A: I’ve thought about this a bit. There are several good candidates: Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore. I think Laura Linney would be extraordinary. She embodies Charlotte’s strengths and vulnerabilities and can toggle back and forth between the two in a heartbeat. She has an amazing gift for revealing a character’s inner life even as she struggles to mask it. The moment in Love Actually when she goes behind the wall to get out all her exuberance before letting her crush into her apartment: pure magic. And she’s the perfect kind of beautiful for this part.

Q: The book has received so many accolades and been called many things: funny, profound, invigorating, wise, charming, touching. How would you best describe it?

A: I’m thrilled by those descriptions. I’ll take them! Perhaps I’d add that it’s many of those things all at once. The secondary plot lines bring their own humor and weight and interweave with the main storyline so that it frequently bounces between emotions within the same scene. Like life. 

Q: How was writing this book any different from writing your earlier books? And are there common themes that you are most comfortable gravitating to?

A: This book is more complex, I believe. There’s more going on, both in terms of plot and theme. Accordingly, this book required more shaping (read: more rewriting). I had several false starts, but when I finally realized what it wanted to be, it took off. I also implemented a structural device unlike any I’d used before and that took quite a bit of refining. That said, it does address several themes that I tend to gravitate to: how the past informs the present; how the stories we tell ourselves impact our lives; how we often have to struggle to get out of our own way.

Q: What would you hope readers take away from this book?

A: First and foremost, I hope readers will be entertained and moved. I hope they will root for Charlotte and rejoice in her growth. To use a classic metaphor, I’d hope, on some level, they’d turn the last page having come to some understanding that life flows like a river and that we are often the ones who construct the dams that stop that flow in our own lives. I’d hope they’d understand that the deepest grief and the most effervescent joy can co-exist and that one does not diminish the other. 

Q: What is your next project?

A: I’m at the very ground floor of the next project. The basement, actually. Too early to articulate, but I’m looking forward to the ride.

Raised in Los Angeles, Carla Malden began her career working in motion picture production and development before becoming a screenwriter. Along with her father, Academy Award winning actor Karl Malden, she co-authored his critically acclaimed memoir When Do I Start?

Carla’s feature writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, highlighting the marvels and foibles of Southern California and Hollywood. She sits on the Board of the Geffen Playhouse. Her previous novels include Search Heartache and Shine Until Tomorrow.

Carla Malden lives in Brentwood with her husband and ten minutes (depending on traffic) from her daughter.

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My Two and Only by Carla Malden
Publish Date: August 8, 2023
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Author: Carla Malden
Page Count: 212 pages
Publisher: Rare Bird Books
ISBN: 9781644283592
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