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Ewww! Lulu Meets the King of Poo by Janice Condon

Children as young as 3 years old will be enthralled by Janice Maximov Condon’s colorful children’s book, Ewww! Lulu Meets the King of Poo (Bowker). This educational story teaches children about the inner workings of their own bodies with scientific names, processes and illustrations.

Nervous about her upcoming science fair project, Lulu goes to bed with a tummy ache. But in her dreams, she swallows herself and winds up taking an unexpected journey through her digestive system.

From the stomach to the intestines and colon, Lulu meets a variety of characters that help teach her about gut health. She meets Emily Enzyme, Abby Acidophilus, Stanley Stem Cell and, of course, Benny Bifidus — the King of Poo! Emily Enzyme teaches Lulu how her food begins its digestive journey, while Abby Acidophilus shares the benefits of good bacteria. The book addresses topics that kids are likely curious about, and gives parents the right tools and vocabulary to answer their questions.

By the end, Lulu wakes up with the perfect idea for her science project — “How Microbes Work Together!” — and a newfound appreciation for digestive health.

Incredible, Digestible Tour!

Through Condon’s imaginative narrative — including engaging and fun rhymes — children will learn how their digestive system is linked to their heart and brain, and how important it is to keep their body healthy. The whimsical illustrations by Steve Ferchaud & Chris Ficken capture readers’ attention and bring the characters to life.

This fascinating yet educational story also helps kids gain an interest in science, biology and nutrition. It includes a short glossary at the end to further help solidify their understanding of gut microbes. Condon also includes a link where children can sing along to the song “Do the Acidophilus Hula.” Ewww! Lulu Meets the King of Poo is an excellent beginner’s guide to dietary education, teaching kids the importance of gut health at an early age. But more than that — it’s entertaining! Children will surely dance alongside the acidophilus, buzz through the bloodstream with the stem cells, and scrunch up their noses and scream, “Ewww! The King of Poo!”

Jan Maximov Condon is presently working as an Occupational Therapist with a keen interest in nutrition for wellness. Her passion to share respect for gut microbes came from personal experience: the overuse of antibiotics in childhood and the problems it led to.

Jan and her husband Frank enjoy an active lifestyle with jogging, swimming, yoga and weight workouts. They live in Chico, CA.

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Ewww! Lulu Meets the King of Poo by Janice Condon
Publish Date: December 3, 2021
Genre: Children’s Books
Author: Janice Condon
Page Count: 33 pages
Publisher: Bowker
ISBN: 9781736960844
Katie Bloomer

Katie is on the editorial team at She graduated from UNC Asheville with bachelor’s degrees in Creative Writing and Mass Communication. Originally from Dallas, TX, she moved to Western North Carolina to enjoy the mountains, whether appreciating the view from her front porch or hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway. As an avid reader and aspiring writer, her favorite genres include fantasy, romance, literary fiction and feminist works. (She’s also a big fan of manga!)