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Simplify by Dr. Susan Pazak

What's It About?

A self-help book with ninety sayings and scriptures that give specific ways to change our words and thoughts during any of life's situations and circumstances.

Life’s already complicated enough without our minds getting in the way. Negativity further complicates our lives, but by shifting our perspectives and taking back control of our thoughts, words and behaviors, life can be simply good.

In Simplify (Trilogy Christian Publishing), Dr. Susan Pazak helps readers change their lives through sharing scriptures and words of wisdom she’s picked up along life’s winding journey. This self-help book is meant for people looking for a spiritually influenced path towards betterment by changing how they think, talk and act throughout their daily lives.

By learning ways to simplify each moment of the day, we will simplify our lives and enjoy the journey.

Exercises to Shift Our Perspective

The book is broken up into two main sections, the first being Pazak’s explanation of areas to simplify in life (such as anxiety, anger, hopelessness, disrespect, etc.) and the second being an interactive portion for readers to reflect on some sayings and scriptures.

Pazak points out that in life we only have control over three things: our thoughts, words and behaviors. Changing one of these affects the others; for example, if we want to change our negative thoughts about ourselves to positive ones, we can repetitively say good things to ourselves (thus our words affect our thoughts).

Pazak suggests readers use many of the sayings/scriptures as mantras throughout daily life or when certain circumstances arise. Either way, these sayings are meant to help readers slow down and respond with reason rather than react with negative emotion.

Along with these simple sayings and words of wisdom, Pazak includes some daily exercises for readers to try over a 30-day period. Some of these exercises include journaling (like cataloging our fears and anxieties) and researching and defining for ourselves the definitions of some abstract terms (like forgiveness and love). By taking 10 minutes out of our days to do these activities, Pazak says we can increase our self-awareness and challenge any negative thought patterns and perspectives about ourselves, situations and life in general.

Encouragement Without Judgement

Pazak’s writing is clear and concise, setting clear goals for readers while acknowledging these solutions aren’t just a quick fix. Her voice is warm and sincere, comforting readers without any feelings of judgment. Throughout the book, Pazak often adds a personal touch by including her own anecdotes. Many of the catchier sayings were often used by her parents when she was growing up, giving the book a much more authentic feeling.

Her advice is spot on and will resonate with many readers. Some words of wisdom that I especially enjoyed were the powerful “I am” statements, rising on the wings of Biblical eagles, and simply finding something to smile about (a bird, sunshine, the wind). These are just a few of the dozens of examples given in the book, and readers are sure to find some favorites of their own.

Pazak acknowledges multiple times throughout the book that this is challenging work — but she reminds readers to be patient. No one can snap their fingers to change their actions and beliefs overnight; it takes persistence and repetition.


About Dr. Susan Pazak:

Susan Pazak, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist in Southern California and offers coaching and consulting all over the world. Change your thoughts and everything else will follow is Dr. Pazak’s philosophy along with her specialty formulas on how to make that happen. She has a Bachelors degree, Masters degree and PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are Dr. Pazak’s signatures to offering the best consulting, counseling and coaching service to the world’s most successful people. With grace and compassion she leads clients on a journey to reach their highest potential. Dr. Pazak uses her in-depth education and experience to implement change for clients that could be imagined but had been elusive, making her one of the best life change experts.

With Dr. Pazak, loving, laughter, beauty and quality relationships are her favorite things, perceiving life as a fascinating experience every moment that we are alive. She loves being content with the world God has created for us.

Simplify by Dr. Susan Pazak
Publish Date: 1/2/2023
Genre: Better Self, Nonfiction, Self Help
Author: Dr. Susan Pazak
Page Count: 264 pages
Publisher: Trilogy Christian Publishing
ISBN: 9798887383491
Katie Bloomer

Katie is on the editorial team at She graduated from UNC Asheville with bachelor’s degrees in Creative Writing and Mass Communication. Originally from Dallas, TX, she moved to Western North Carolina to enjoy the mountains, whether appreciating the view from her front porch or hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway. As an avid reader and aspiring writer, her favorite genres include fantasy, romance, literary fiction and feminist works. (She’s also a big fan of manga!)