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Have you ever had a dream that felt real? A dream so real that it changed your life forever?

Former NASA astronaut Ron Garan inspires children to dream big and stay curious about space. His new book, Railroad to the Moon, follows Alexa, a young girl with great curiosity and a wild imagination. Put on your space suit, and go on a journey with Alexa that starts in the classroom and ends on the moon!

Check out this video of Ron Garan reading Railroad on the Moon:

About Ron Garan:

Former NASA astronaut and father of three Ron Garan racked up 178 days in space and more than 71 million miles in 2,842 orbits between tours on the International Space Station, flying on the US Space Shuttle and a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Prior to those journeys, he lived and conducted research on the bottom of the ocean in the world’s only undersea research lab, Aquarius. Today, Ron is celebrated for his research in space and for his humanitarian contribution to life on Earth.

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