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Surviving Nine Months by Sherry Rudd

What's It About?

What if you have horribly debilitating “morning sickness” that lasts throughout your entire pregnancy? This is the situation that author Sherry Rudd found herself in, which she shares in her book, Surviving Nine Months

We often hear about the “joys of pregnancy.” Many women love being pregnant and absolutely glow. Of course, many mothers-to-be suffer from morning sickness in the first 3 months of pregnancy but then it dissipates. What if, though, you have horribly debilitating “morning sickness” that lasts throughout your entire pregnancy — and not just in the morning? This is the situation that author Sherry Rudd found herself in, which she shares in her book, Surviving Nine Months

It was 1995 and Sherry was young, active and newly engaged. She was happily planning her wedding when she discovered she was pregnant. Practically overnight, Sherry transformed from a healthy young adult to being bedridden and barely able to function. She felt scared and alone not knowing what was wrong with her. She kept hoping that once she hit the second trimester she would feel better. Everyone kept telling her that would happen, but unfortunately, her suffering did not let up. 

In fact, things got even worse. She couldn’t keep any food down, smells of all types nauseated her, and she spent hours curled up on her bathroom floor … it was pure torture, both physically and mentally. “I was depressed. I was angry. I was sick. I was overwhelmed. I was pregnant and I was miserable.”


Getting a diagnosis didn’t fix much, as there was nothing that could help 25 years ago. While things have progressed medically since then and there are now some medications that can help, often the side effects of these meds cause their own problems. 

Rudd was suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). This is a rare disorder “characterized by severe and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that may necessitate hospitalization … affected women experience dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficit and the loss of greater than 5% of their original body weight.” This disorder affects fewer than 2% of all pregnant women, but those who are affected suffer greatly. While this is torture for the mother, it’s certainly not good for the baby either!

As Rudd describes it: “Basically, from conception to birth … my life was some twisted, altered universe of what used to be my normal, healthy, energetic life. Every day was a struggle…” Reading about Sherry’s experience throughout the 9 months of her pregnancy was heartbreaking. She was so sick, so alone and so scared.

Rudd says she decided to write her story so that other women suffering from HG can know that they aren’t alone as she thought she was. She also chose to tell others’ stories as well — to be their voice. Quotes from other women who have suffered from HG start each chapter, and more are included at the end of the book. 

“HG is life-changing,” says Tonje from Norway. 

“My doctor looked me in the eyes and said, ‘There is no possible way you’re getting sick 30-40 times a day. That’s just not possible … you don’t need to be a drama queen …’” says Kristina from Nevada.

“Imagine your WORST hangover times 10 for 9 months,” says Samantha from Texas.

“HG is no joke. It isn’t just ‘morning sickness,’” says Alisha from New Zealand.


The author says that while HG may not affect many pregnant women, it permanently affects every woman who experiences it. Rudd says there should be more support for women who suffer through HG and it’s imperative to raise awareness and let others know they are not alone. 

You’ll need some tissues handy as you read Sherry’s candid and heartbreaking story and the stories of others who have suffered with HG. Everyone’s journey is different, but empathy and support are needed for all. Pass this book along to anyone you know who has suffered or is suffering from HG. They will thank you.

Note: A portion of proceeds from each book sold will be donated to HER (Hyperemesis Education and Research Foundation) –

Surviving Nine Months by Sherry Rudd
Publish Date: 11/4/2022
Author: Sherry Rudd
Page Count: 139 pages
ISBN: 9798362181567
Barbara Wilkov

Barbara Wilkov has a varied career background, having worked in education, sales for several start-up magazines, fundraising and event planning for the American Heart Association, and marketing, communications, PR, and social media for a congregational church, a children’s non-profit, and an emergency and specialty veterinary hospital. Barbara is also the co-founder of an award-winning website,, that focuses on healing difficult mother-daughter relationships from the adult daughter’s perspective. Look for a book in the not-too-distant future! A Stamford, CT, native, Barbara has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and English, and an MS in Education. She loves to act and is honored to be a member of the Screen Actors Guild.