Distressed? Anguished? Heal Your Bmind
Distressed? Anguished? Heal Your Bmind by Jacob Gonik
For nearly 30 years, Jacob Gonik has successfully treated anxiety, stress, fears, traumatic obesity, depression and other mental disorders in an average of ten sessions thanks to his “Heal Your Bmind” concept.
Heal Your Bmind is based on an innovative approach: Your mind has just two parts — an intellectual part (Imind) and a behavioral part (Bmind).
All psychological problems are created and stay in your Bmind in the form of programs that work like apps on your smartphone.
This means that all mental disorders have the same trigger. It does not matter if they are depression, alcoholism, anxiety, fear or other problems. All of them are always programs in your Bmind. When you enter Self-ZETA, a special Bmind relaxing state, harmful programs can be found and inactivated. It seems absurd due to its simplicity, but it works!
Most therapists can easily add the ZETA-Bmind concept to their therapies.
For more information about this powerful, revolutionary method to overcome obstacles to your mental health, check out our review and our interview with the author.