After reading Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly, Andreas Karelas felt inspired to tackle climate change by leaning into the fear and vulnerability that often surrounds the issue. Aiming to approach the topic from a place of bravery he wrote Climate Courage: How Tackling Climate Change Can Build Community, Transform the Economy, and Bridge the Political Divide in America.
In this interview, Karelas dives into his book and explores the positive outlook in the fight against climate change. He says, “all of these messages around climate are focused on doom and gloom … I can look at my social media and it’s one bad news story after the other.” While those messages are true, “it can be depressing and really disempowering,” says Karelas. By remaining positive and focusing on the solutions already within reach, we’re more innovative and motivated to take action.
Want more Karelas? Read BookTrib’s review of Climate Courage here, and learn more about RE-volv, his nonprofit organization, here.