Join us on our Facebook page today at 12 noon (EST) for our chat with cli-fi author Arthur Jeon. What is cli-fi, you ask? Well, here’s your chance to find out!
Jeon is the author of Snowflake, a novel about a teen that decides to take the global climate crisis into his own hands. What can one teenager do?
Well, for starters, Ben Wallace is going to kill the President of the United States.
What other choice does he have? The president, whom Ben refers to as Cretin, is “drunk-driving the planet,” denying the reality of climate change and lying to the public while sitting comfortably in Big Oil’s pocket. “If you’re in a car with a drunk, you grab the wheel. You don’t ask permission, you stop him.” But Ben has reservations about killing, even if it’s for a good reason, even if it’s Cretin. And even if he does kill Cretin, will that have any impact on stopping this planetary crisis?