Princess of the Emerald Valleys
Travel into a historical fantasy world in Cassandra Finnerty’s The Princess of Nature series. Set in a fantasy version of 1770s Ireland, the adventures of Aisling, Drayaen and their families and friends are sure to entertain not just its young adult audience, but their parents as well.
Princess of the Emerald Valleys (Castle Swan Media) is the third in the series and begins when Princess Aisling and Prince Drayaen return from the East Kingdom to Aisling’s estate, married and expecting a child. Aisling’s parents, Lady and Lord Bailey, members of a secret society, have been killed, but Aisling is led by her father’s missives to complete several secret society missions.
A strong heroine, Aisling must She use newly acquired magical powers to fight her sworn enemies, among those a powerful and ruthless Lord Thrain, while completing these missions and starting a new life with her new family.
Those magical powers harnessed in swords and a dagger can summon people and items and can see into faraway places. However, her powers can be unstable, and they are energy-draining.
Equally as compelling as the fights and the adventure is the journey Aisling has discovering her powers and how to wield them. I’m probably one of many readers that smile when her subordinates call her Commander. Ever supportive during her energy-draining moments is her husband Prince Drayaen. He constantly protects her and urges her to rest when she’s used her powers. These two are great examples of a strong couple for this book’s young adult target audience.
The novel’s story is almost episodic as Aisling and Drayaen go from one adventure to another, with the threats of Lord Thrain, his network of henchmen, and those in power that he reports to threaded throughout the entire novel.
From recovering stolen treasure to evading traitors and rescuing prisoners, Lord Thrain’s and secret society disrupters’ evil hands continually stir the proverbial pot for Aisling and Drayaen and constantly threaten their lives and the livelihood they are struggling to make creating a sailcloth business.
Princess of the Emerald Valleys is an adventure that doesn’t let up until the end. While the furious and fast-moving plot of Book 3 can stand alone, readers will have a better lay of the land and understanding of the characters by reading books one and two. Here’s BookTrib’s review of the second book.
Fans of the series as well as new readers will appreciate this exciting third installment.
Princess of the Emerald Valleys is available for purchase.
Learn more about Cassandra on her Author Profile page.
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