Stacey Rourke
Young Adult
Dystopian thriller features instantly lovable characters that fight together for their freedom in and out of virtual simulations.
Stacey Rourke is the award winning author of works that span genres, but possess the same flare for action and snarky humor. She lives in Florida with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.
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Utopia Award Winner Author of the Year 2018
Utopia Award Winner for Best Villain 2018 for Ursela in Rise of the Sea Witch
Readers’ Favorite YA Fantasy Bronze Medal Winner 2017
Readers’ Favorite Fantasy Silver Medal Winner for 2015
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Apocalypse 5 (2019)
Rise of the Sea Witch (2017)
Crane (2016)
The Conduit (2013)
Biggest literary influencers:
Stephen King, PC Cast, Christopher Pike and Suzanne Collins.
Last book read:
Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander.
The book that changed your life:
My mother used to read The Monster at the End of this Book to me every night at bedtime. She did the voices, acted out the scenes in true Grover fashion, the whole bit. At that young age, she brought the character to life in a way that instilled a love of reading and storytelling in me, sticking through my entire life.
Your favorite literary character:
Troy from the VC Andres Casteel Series. His life and story was so beautifully tragic. I’ve read many other characters that I love, and have been touched by, but Troy remains a constant favorite of mine.
Currently working on:
The Journals of Octavia Hollows.
Words to live by:
“It’s fun to do the impossible.” Walt Disney
Advice to new and aspiring authors:
Read, everything you can in every genre imaginable. It helps you to build your “toolbox” as an author.