Dear Reader,
I’m excited to tell you about my sixth novel! Duncan Wheeler’s car accident has left him paralyzed and haunted by a death. Why live? His desperate wife Laura brings home a helper monkey. Can she help Duncan adapt to this altered life? Or does she hold the key to his exit? Set in New Haven, Still Life With Monkey is the story of a marriage, and how the accident and this little monkey both affect their marriage, bonding them in new if bittersweet ways. The Kirkus starred review called it “stark and compelling…rigorously unsentimental yet suffused with emotion: possibly the best work yet from an always stimulating writer.”
I’m giving away 5 books! Write to me at with “STILL LIFE giveaway” in the subject line for a chance to win one.
Dear Reader,
I have woven together the memories of my four grandparents, all Armenian Genocide survivors, and my love for historical fiction, to create this story full of sensitive, stubborn, and passionate people who lived and loved in the highlands of my ancestor’s.
Enter to win your free copy of this captivating love story of two Armenians who dare to break their village’s ancient courtship rules, never suspecting the upheaval that will soon envelop their land and their hearts. Email me at to enter.