Why do certain moments influence us so strongly? In this Just the Right Book podcast episode, Roxanne Coady sits down with Dan Heath, who works closely with Chip Heath, his brother. They discuss their latest novel, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact. Dan explains how the novel talks on subjects of those moments that bring special meaning to our lives and the importance of creating more special times like this.
The Heath brothers worked on this latest collaboration to talk about the many aspects of our lives where The Power of Moments apply, from business and marriage, to education, healthcare, and hospitality. Dan shares a few of the stories from the book including one of his favorites about a Los Angeles hotel called the Magic Castle. Here, you can order up free popsicles for delivery poolside using a red phone by the pool known as the “Popsicle Hotline.” The frozen treats are even brought out on a silver tray by someone wearing white gloves. The Magic Castle may look like an average motel painted bright yellow but the staffers realize that guests will forgive a lot of “average” as long as there are certain moments worth cherishing.

Inside the Magic Castle Hotel. Image courtesy of Eater LA.
Then, join us for “What’s on the Front Table” as Justin Souther from Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe shares all.
The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Decisive: How to Make Better Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
The Life You Can Save: How to Do Your Part to End World Poverty by Peter Singer
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
In the Distance by Hernan Diaz
Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of ’70s and ’80s Horror Fiction by Grady Hendrix
The Last Castle: The Epic Story of Love, Loss, and American Royalty in the Nation’s Largest Home by Denise Kiernan
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare by G.K. Chesterson