MG by Marjorie Goodson
Marjorie Goodson is the daughter of famed game show producer Mark Goodson (Family Feud, The Price is Right, Beat the Clock). She began at the prestigious School of American Ballet when she was only eight. This experience sparked an enduring love of ballet and dance that would sustain her for the rest of her life.
Goodson has always loved using her body artistically. With her new book, Goodson hopes to inspire other women by letting them know they, too, can find their passion and confidence at any age. BookTrib recently spoke with Marjorie about her book, MG, advice for empty nesters and, of course, her passion for dance.
BookTrib: The book is beautiful. What made you decide to do this book?
MG: I think it was a combination of several factors. The urgency of age definitely was one. After my daughter went off to college in 2011, I asked myself “what are you going to do”? It never occurred to me that Marjorie could be her own star, her own artist, but I knew I didn’t want to wake up later on in life and say I wish I’d done this. I was at a place in my life to do something creatively and put me front and center in own life. It was my turn!
BookTrib: Let’s talk about the new book, MG. You make use of the naked human body as a canvass of sorts. You really took an opportunity to show that the physical shape we are in can defy age. It’s empowering. Is that the message you were going for in this book?
MG: I didn’t really think about it when I was doing it. It just came out of my desire to create art. Certain photos spoke specifically to the body. My intention was not sexual so being naked didn’t feel inappropriate. I look at the body as a dance. With the body, you don’t have to say anything, it speaks for itself. You have to show you’re a dancer. The body physical, the muscles and tone get to do the speaking. It’s beautiful how we have this wonderful vessel that allows us to breathe and move. It’s science, beautiful science. The fact that I can move into different shapes, it’s beauty and art together. Your body is like an actor who transforms himself for a part. You can transform the body into different shapes through movement and I love that.
BookTrib: Did you always have this vision for how you wanted the photos to come out?
MG: Andreea’s (Marjorie’s photographer Andreea Radutoiu) view was in sync with how I viewed things. I picked the photos. For each shoot, I picked about 10 favorites. Andreea and I would dialogue between photos. I would say to her, “I love this shot with this energy” or “I like this pose.” Originally the book was going to be all ballet, but I got injured at the same time I was doing the book. So, I had to refocus the style of the book. It became more about movement, interpretation and fun characters that came about in the book. My injury did forced me to refocus and now we have a body movement art book.
BookTrib: You’ve got some great dance videos out. You look like you are having so much fun. Is this where you are now in life? A lot of people once the children go to college or move out don’t know what to do with themselves, sometimes get very depressed, but you look like you are really enjoying this next phase in your life.
MG: I am. I’m dancing, doing videos, creating art. With this book, it was very important for me to show people there is a life behind the book. I am a dancer, but there is a life behind the book. I work, I live and breath as a dancer. I love to support my dancers and show them off.
BookTrib: It’s Emmy Week. Your father has won Emmy’s, including the most prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. You worked on one of his shows for nearly 6 years. What was it like working with him because he wasn’t just an Emmy winner, but he was your father?
MG: He didn’t really create it, he brought it back. I decided to do the show. My father would have preferred me not working on it. Even though we had family members working for him, my father was always telling me, “do your own thing.”
BookTrib: Will there be more books like this?
MG: Working on an MG 2 now. It’s very modern, electric, lots of bright colors, very bold. The opposite of this book. I just keep pushing myself. You have to be committed.
BookTrib: Finally, what advice would you give moms, like me, who have a few years before we are empty nesters about reclaiming ourselves and our passions?
MG: Just the idea that you’re thinking about it shows you’re on the road to change. Considering things that are dormant in your life is important. When your kids go to school, it isn’t a loss, it’s an opportunity. I saw it as me getting another phase, another chapter that can open a lot of doors. This is your big chance what do you want to do. It’s like being single again. You have to delve into that side of you that you put aside. It’s an attitude. It’s a new beginning and it’s exciting. The possibilities of what you can do are endless in terms of your heart and what you want. If you dream it you can most likely achieve it.
For more information on Marjorie Goodson, her website is available at
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