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The Golden Warrior by Soraya Rose

Rome itself will change after these games.

Get ready for the next epic story of gladiator fights, found family and righteous causes in Soraya Rose’s debut novel, The Golden Warrior. Follow Cassius, the renowned Golden Warrior, on a journey of self-reflection that will change the fate of Rome.

Unleash the Power of Destiny

Since he was captured as a young farm boy by Roman forces, Cassius has lived as a slave under the roof of his Dominus. But thanks to his skills, he has lived a life of renown as a gladiator, training side by side with his brothers in arms.

But after he’s visited one night by his long-departed father, Cassius begins to realize he possesses other gifts beyond his skills as a gladiator — gifts of foresight and astral traveling given to him by the gods. With the help of a priestess, Cassius begins to develop these gifts and foresees his impending freedom.

Relishing in his newfound freedom — but remaining close to keep an eye on his wounded gladiator brother, Drago — Cassius begins a long journey of self-reflection. As a free man, Cassius truly begins to understand what it means to be a Roman slave.

Side by side with his newfound friends — the gifted Thaddeus, Faustina and Lyra — Cassius starts down a new path. With each step he takes, he learns who he can trust to help him, who seeks to do him harm, and what it is he stands for. And once the foreseen Mighty Dragon appears, he and Cassius will forever change the fate of Rome.

Now we have a Warrior and a Dragon. Together they can do incredible things … Where one presses advantage, the other listens and sees the path. Together they can stand for a cause greater than any of us, and in turn can help many.

A Brotherhood Forged in Battle and Trust

The Golden Warrior is more than a simple tale of bloody gladiator fights — it’s an epic journey about finding one’s purpose and fighting for the greater good. With that said, the action scenes are intense and vivid, like something straight out of Russell Crowe’s 2000 blockbuster Gladiator.

Parallel to these powerful action scenes are tender moments of friendship and tense moments of cloak-and-dagger operations.

While the main cast of characters hold many unique gifts, their lowly positions in Roman society force them to do much of their work in the shadows — like spying on Roman officials and sneaking slaves out of the country. These moments are always tense and will leave readers holding their breath in anticipation (particularly when the story begins to reach its climax).

The characters’ shared experiences under the iron fist of Roman rule — and the brutal realities of injustice, slavery and classism — bring them closer together, allowing them to create their own chosen family. The moments of friendship and brotherhood are touching and endearing against the stark backdrop of ancient Rome.

Above all, The Golden Warrior is a unique story about gifted characters doing what they can to help create a better society.  While Cassius and the others find their happy endings, I wonder what else the author may have in store for future books.

About Soraya Rose:

Soraya Rose has been attuned to surrounding energies since childhood, developing gifts of empathy and clairvoyance. Profound experiences at Cape Henlopen State Park, particularly with the WWII Watchtowers, deepened their connection to historical and spiritual energies. Despite a hiatus following intense premonitions, Soraya’s passion for sciences flourished.

Guided by mentors, Soraya returned to spiritual exploration, studying Reiki and becoming a Reiki Master. Further mentorship by Christine Alexandria led to mastering Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) and becoming a Certified Angel Intuitive.

Today, Soraya operates a sacred studio on the Eastern Shore, blending science and spirituality. They collaborate with deities and elementals to guide others on their journeys, continuing to explore the interconnectedness of science and metaphysics.

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The Golden Warrior by Soraya Rose
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Author: Soraya Rose
Page Count: 292 pages
ISBN: 9781662932359
Katie Bloomer

Katie is on the editorial team at She graduated from UNC Asheville with bachelor’s degrees in Creative Writing and Mass Communication. Originally from Dallas, TX, she moved to Western North Carolina to enjoy the mountains, whether appreciating the view from her front porch or hiking off the Blue Ridge Parkway. As an avid reader and aspiring writer, her favorite genres include fantasy, romance, literary fiction and feminist works. (She’s also a big fan of manga!)