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Michael Ruscoe

Michael Ruscoe is a writer, teacher, and musician living in Southern Connecticut. He is the author of the novel, "From the Stray Cat Files: You’ll Do Anything," the anthology, "Baseball: A Treasury of Art and Literature," and numerous educational texts. An instructor at Southern Connecticut State University, Ruscoe is also lead singer and songwriter for the indie band Save the Androids! In his spare time he earns karma for his next life by ardently following the New York Mets. The proud father of two children, Ruscoe also cares for and supports a pair of goldfish, who, in all honesty, are not very good conversationalists.

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Michael Ruscoe


Tom Hanks Uses a Typewriter and You Should, Too

Richard Polt I’m typing these words on a computer, and you’re reading them from one. The ideas begin in my head, flow down my arms into the keyboard, and then they’re digitized and blasted through the great, endless expanse of the Internet. Your computer snags them and turns them into…
Michael Ruscoe
November 23, 2015